Inspection and Expediting --- World Wide Services

CAMPBELL ASIA PACIFIC (CAP) is a totally independent organisation with no commitments or affiliations with any corporate bodies or persons outside the CAP group. Clients can and do rely on CAP's independent and impartial services. Inspection and Expediting personnel are multi-skilled, multi-disciplined and computer literate.

The services are provided in accordance with CAP's quality procedures, work instructions, guidelines and check lists, and monitored by CAP's custom developed Assignment Management Software (eMAN). Some of the main benefits include:

  • monitoring planned activities to confirm execution in accordance with agreed objectives
  • non-conformance monitoring system to ensure that all non conformances are resolved before order completion
  • provision of audit trails for technical and financial accountability

The extensive use of computers, electronic mail and digital imaging technologies ensures meaningful, informative and illustrative same day reporting to clients worldwide.

Please contact our head-office in Singapore for more details.

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Copyright © 1999 Campbell Asia Pacific
Last modified : December 16, 2000